)ATTR DEFAULT(%+_) % TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) COLOR(WHITE) SKIP(ON) ` TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) COLOR(YELLOW) + TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(LOW) COLOR(TURQ) SKIP(ON) _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) COLOR(RED) ^ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(ON) JUST(LEFT) COLOR(RED) PAD(_) | TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) CAPS(OFF) )BODY EXPAND(\\) %TUTORIAL+-\-\-`CUT/PASTE HELP+-\-\- %OPTION ===>_ZCMD + + % PASTE Prompt and Set Defaults + The CUT and PASTE Edit macros provide a handy method to move data from one Edit session to another. The PASTE Default panels provides for selecting the MODE for the PASTE operation and for setting the defaults for both CUT and PASTE for future operations. The mode for the PASTE operation is ether ZERO or KEEP. The table name can also be set for his one request as well as the limit on the number of lines that are allowed to be saved. The defaults for the same can also be set. Also the default for CUT can be set to REPLACE or ADD. For more information, the following topics are presented in sequence or may be requested by number: %1+ General discription of CUT and PASTE %2+ Common operands for CUT and PASTE %3+ How CUT is used %4+ How PASTE is used %5+ Modes of operation using CUT and PASTE together )PROC &ZSEL = TRANS(&ZCMD 1,CUTHELP1 2,CUTHELP2 3,CUTHELP3 4,CUTHELP4 5,CUTHELP5 *,'?') )END