)ATTR + TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(LOW) % TYPE(TEXT) INTENS(HIGH) _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) )BODY EXPAND (//) %-/-/ Blocksize Calculator -/-/ + + Enter the LRECL of the dataset being created and%optionally+the number of + records the dataset will contain, the block size, and the key length. + + The optimum blocksize and the space needed for the dataset will be displayed + + DEVICE TYPE ==>_DEVT+ (3380 or 3390) + + LRECL ========>_LRECL+ + + + + RECORDS ======>_RECORDS+ + + BLOCK SIZE ===>_BLK + + + KEY LENGTH ===>_KEY+ + +Press%PF3+to exit+ + )INIT &ZPRIM = NO .CURSOR = LRECL &DEVT = 3380 )PROC VER (&DEVT,LIST,3380,3390) VER (&LRECL,NONBLANK) VER (&LRECL,NUM) VER (&RECORDS,NUM) VER (&BLK,NUM) VER (&KEY,NUM) )END