Setting up WLM in a MONOPLEX Recommendations: You may want to start from scratch as opposed to trying to "convert" your IPS/ICS. A good place for an example of a service policy can be found at Cheryl Watson's web site: Here are a few manuals to review for setting up a monplex with WLM: MVS Settings up a Sysplex Parallel Sysplex Hardware and Software Migration (pay attention to steps for defining WLM Data Sets and Policys) Planning: Workload Management ------------------------------------------------------------------- Implementation Specifics: 1) Define XCF couple datasets with the IXCL1DSU utility - see SYS1.SAMPLIB(IXCSYSPF) 2) Create COUPLExx member with data set names and sysplex name. 3) Update IEASYSxx with PLEXCFG=MONOPLEX,COUPLE=xx 4) IPL 5) Define WLM couple datasets. - see SYS1.SAMPLIB(IWMFTCDS) The WLM dialogs can also be used: TSO EX 'SYS1.SBLSCLI0(IWMARIN0)' Select UTILITES >> Allocate WLM couple datasets 6) Use operator command to add the WLM couple datasets: SETXCF COUPLE,TYPE=WLM,PCOUPLE=( SETXCF COUPLE,TYPE=WLM,ACOUPLE=( *** be sure to update your COUPLExx member with the WLM couple data sets. 7) Now the fun part - create the service definition policy via the WLM dialogs (you need security access to the FACILITY CLASS resource name of MVSADMIN.WLM.POLICY) 8) Store the policy via WLM Dialogs 9) V WLM,POLICY=polname 10) F WLM,MODE=GOAL (to switch back - F WLM,MODE=COMPAT) To IPL in goal mode - remove IPS=xx & ICS=xx from IEASYSxx.